Kobo eReaders perfect for Mother's Day Gifts
This Mother's Day, celebrate your Mom's love for reading with a Kobo eReader. Our Kobo eReaders have features to elevate her reading experience, such as adjustable lighting, page-turn buttons, and waterproof technology. Whether she enjoys getting lost in an eBook before bed, or traveling to new worlds during her commute, Kobo eReaders make the perfect Mother's Day gifts.
Kobo Libra Colour
$249.99| /- 7" colour E Ink Kaleido™ 3 touchscreen
- Ergonomic, waterproof design
- Kobo Stylus 2 compatibility
Kobo Clara Colour
$179.99| /- 6" colour E Ink Kaleido™ 3 touchscreen
- Waterproof
- Listen to Kobo Audiobooks
Kobo Clara BW
$159.99| /- 6" screen with ComfortLight PRO
- Waterproof
- Listen to Kobo Audiobooks
Kobo Sage
$299.99| /- 8" screen with ComfortLight PRO
- Listen to Kobo Audiobooks
- Kobo Stylus compatibility