eReaders with Kobo Stylus compatibility
Easily transform handwritten notes to typed text, highlight passages and draw on the screen with eReaders with Kobo Stylus compatibility.
Kobo Libra Colour
$259.99| /- 7" colour E Ink Kaleido™ 3 touchscreen
- Ergonomic, waterproof design
- Kobo Stylus 2 compatibility
Kobo Sage
$299.99| /- 8" screen with ComfortLight PRO
- Listen to Kobo Audiobooks
- Kobo Stylus compatibility
Certified Refurbished Kobo Sage
Current price $249.99Original price $299.99| /- 8" screen with ComfortLight PRO
- Listen to Kobo Audiobooks
- Kobo Stylus compatibility